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the word of God is alive and active... a discerner of the thoughts and attitudes of the heart     Hebrews 4:12

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Who were the wise men? Where did they come from? How did they know to travel to Jerusalem? In this message we look to see if the book of Daniel can shed any light on those questions. Isaiah 60:1-4 & Matthew 2:1-12
The Christmas message is summed up in this one chapter of Luke: Love, Peace, Joy. It is with wonder that both men and angels celebrate this season!  Luke 2:1-52
Matthew devotes the first two chapters of his gospel to the role Joseph played in Jesus' life. Why was Joseph so important, what role was he called to play & why?  Matthew 1 & 2:13-23
If a great celebrity came to your city, how would they be received? Given an amazing gift , really wanted or needed, what response? Consider then the life-transforming arrival of Jesus, Son of God, into the world, God's greatest gift. Romans 12
At Babel God confused the language of the earth's population because they intended to bring God down to a human level. When God did come down, things didn't go as mankind were expecting. Genesis 11:1-9, Matthew 1:19-24 & Luke 2:1-7
With all the excess, is it right to celebrate Christmas with feasting and merriment? What about all the presents - isn't that too much, surely we should only have what we need? The biblical answer is 'Celebrate exhuberantly!' John 1:1-18
John The Baptist's life's work was to prepare the way for the Lamb of God, unknown to him at the time. When Jesus was revealed to him by God, confirmed by the Holy Spirit, John declared  Him God made flesh - the saviour of the world.  John 1
Matthew's prophetic references in the early part of his gospel are perplexing; seemingly taken out of context or stretched way beyond their original meaning. On closer examination we find a rich portrait of our saviour is being painted.  Matthew 2:13-23
The wise men and Herod, demonstrate how wide the spectrum is of people's response to knowledge of the king's coming. Mstthew 2
Matthew's opening to his gospel provokes a number of questions, but his clear intent is to prove that Jesus is the long awaited King.      Matthew 1 & Isaiah 7-11
God's announcements to the Magi and the Shepherds show that He is loving, faithful, merciful and desires all men to come and share the joy of meeting the king.  Matthew 1:1-11 & Luke 2:8-20
Simeon longed for Israel's consolation, Anna longed for Jerusalem's redemption, when the baby Christ arrived at the temple they could not contain their joy as in this child all their hopes would be fulfilled.  Luke 2:22-38
The wise men, convinced something momentous had happened, journeyed a great distance to worship the new born king. Nothing was as they expected but once they’d seen Him, there was no doubt – Jesus was the one promised. Matthew 2 1-16
Finding Christ is like opening an advent calendar, the wise men’s journey shows six of those revelations: a Redeemer – Christ alone, a Realm, new Relationships, new Responsibilities, Rewards and a need for Remembrance    Matthew 2:1-12
Christmas message -  Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace  How can these be the names of Jesus? We find, in this sermon, that they truly are ideal names, and Jesus really is the promised one of God. Isaiah 9:6 
On that first Christmas night the angels burst into song; " Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!". At last! -all the richness of God's goodwill could be poured out on men, the Christ had been born! Luke2: 13-14
A.D.V.E.N.T ; Access to God – once lost but made possible again through Divine intervention; a Victory won; an Eternal gift - a gift both Noteworthy and for Today.
God's announcements to the Magi and the Shepherds show that He is loving, faithful, merciful and desires all men to come and share the joy of meeting the king.  Matthew 1:1-11 & Luke 2:8-20
Luke opens Chapter 2, the life of Jesus, with a little bit of history: so who was Ceasar Augustus and why should we be interested in Quirinius and Rome's tax policies?   Luke 2:1-7
Christ is risen! - 'Truly this man was the son of God.' This is the testimony of the Centurion who witnessed the death of Jesus and the ressurection of Jerusalem's long dead saints.  Matthew 27:50-8:8
With the cross imminent Jesus faces a tremendous trial in the Garden of Gethsemene; "If it is possible may this cup be taken from me" He prays.  Matthew 26:36-46
Jesus's deisre, the disciples' desire and the desire of blind Bartimeaus are revealed as Jesus approaches Jerusalem and the cross. What is it that you want?      Mark 10:32-52
Mary responds to God's message in faith and experiences, not the judgement she feared but, grace and blessing. 
Faith is all we need, but to appreciate the full magnificance of what has been won for us Peter tells us there are attributes we should add to our faith.  2 Peter 1:1-13
Having risen triumphant why did Jesus not capitlise on this great victory and establish a great and powerful military and religious movement in Jerusalerm?  Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, John 20 & 21, Acts 1 and 1 Corinthians 15
God entered the world He had created to make himself known; our condtion was desperate and the road to recovery hard. - the trial and suffering of Jesus          Mark 14 & 15
Jesus made five appearances on Easter Sunday, each of the parties meetying him were slow to grasp the incredible truth that Jesus really had risen from the dead.    Mark 16
Pilate asks the question, "What is Truth?" but he didn't really want an answer - he knew the truth and chose to reject it. So what is Truth and why does it matter?  John 18:28-19:16 (thanks to Gary M Burge for identifying the chiasm in this passage) 
How did the crowd react to seeing Jesus on the cross? Some misunderstood, some arrogant, some reviled;  others just watched, some sympathetic; but some became wise- recognising Jesus was completing His mission. Matthew 27v33-56
A meditation for Maunday Thursday: Jesus; fully aware of the horrors to come, of the treachery and weakness of His disciples; and engaged in tremendous spiritual warfare; chose to spend time and share a meal with those He loved. Luke 22
Palm Sunday is recorded in all four gospel but each account is different. What  things struck each writer so much that they had to write a unique record of ihem in their accounts.  Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12 & Psalm 118
When John gives his account of the resurrection he says, "he saw and believed". In these few words John provides both his testimony and a vision for the future- a future built by faith and not by sight. John 20:1-31
Who raised Jesus? When we consider the Trinity's work in creation, in Jesus' earthly ministry, in the resurrection and in us, His new creations,  what do we learn?  - God's desire is that you have a life more abundant (John 10:10) 
With the raising of Lazarus, Jesus demonstrates with amazing power that He truly is The Resurrection, not only for that great day in the future , but more importantly for the present.  John 11
As we consider the events preceding and including The Triumphal Entry, we see 8 Rs related to The King: Recognition, Reception, Reflections on the king’s death (reasons, ravages, reformation, response) and finally Rejection.  John 12
Good Friday message from Somersham Baptist Church -visiting speaker Mark Plumb.  Jesus cried,"it Is Finished". This was not mourning a life cut short, nor a martyr's rallying cry, but a declaration that a planned work had been completed. John 19:30
Easter has brought hope because Christ is risen! There are so many witnesses and testaments to this that we can know for sure that He has dealt with that dark gulf that stood between us and God .   1 Corinthians 15
A short recording of a communion service, included here for meditation at home .
The bible says not to give up, not to forsake, meeting together as a church. Is it right to stop meeting and how can church function in the midst of a global pandemic? Hebrews 10:19-25
Why does God describe His relationship with His people as a marriage? What is so special about marriage that so benefits society? Is the church the 'right one' for Jesus? Hosea 2:14-23  & Ephesians 5:31-32 
Five women took on the mother's role for Moses at various times, but his birth mother's faith saw him rescued, restored and come under her teaching about the God who saves.   (A Mothers' Day message) Exodus 1:8-2:10
After such a start, Mary finds herself back in the drudge of daily life. She has a delightful child, but evidence of His power, messiahhood and supernatural nature are hardly seen for 30 years, yet she continues to hold fast. Luke 2:8-19 & 39-52
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes, takes time out to consider our approach to worship and our relationship with God, warning us not to make rash vows. We take time to consider Hannah's vow while at worship and its consequences.  Ecc 5 & Malachi 
Satan never gives up trying to destroy all that pleases God; he succeeded in bringing the first Adam down, but in Jesus, with whom God was "well pleased", he found one determined to walk on God's path and no other.  Matthew 4:1-11
The turning of water into wine was 'The first sign', one of just seven miracles recorded by John, but this miracle transformed the faith of his disciples, why was that?  John 2: 1-11
Inside every Christian is a new person trying to live a new life. Feeding on Jesus Christ, the Bread and the Water of Life, that person can grow to reach their full potential.  Galatians 2:1-21
Jesus' life and death demonstrates how a wise servant can ensure success. He also adopted the role of a suffering servant and it was in that role that He worked as the Arm Of The LORD – powerful to save.     Isaiah 52:13 – 53:12
Jesus came on a mission: "Under whose authority?" the people's leaders asked, although they already knew the answer. Today, people use the same rhetorical question having already chosen to reject the God who would save them.  Luke 20
Accepting Jesus' invitation means we give up selfish ambition to one who knows our strengths, weaknesses, abilities and potetntial, the perfect coach and captain. John 3:1-16
A prophet foretold 'the Desired of all Nations' would come, is Jesus  desired? Tracing human history we find that He is - when mankind failed; God stepped in to satisfy mankind's fondest dreams and quiet mankind's worst nightmares. Haggai 2:5-9 
Humankind, having reached the limits of its search for meaning and self-redemption, is given a gift from God; the answer to its searching. Matthew 2: 1-18
Habbakuk cries out to God to turn his country around, to stop the injustice and evil he sees. God says He will but if you, like  Habbakuk, find it hard to understand why God is working in a certain way, then the answers are there for the seeker.
Jesus'  claim that He and the father are one infuriated the Jews, they picked up stones with which to kill Him. But Jesus' claims were even more radical; quoting Psalm 82 he shows that God's desire is that we be one with Him too! John 10:22-42
God's wrath is being stored up in great bowls ready to be poured out  in the last days. Can we really escape God's wrath? How can we be assured that Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient for our salvation?  Revelation Ch15 & Ch16
Jesus's meeting with the Canaanite woman is a beautiful demonstration of what it means to live by faith.  Feeling ignored, rebuffed  or rejected? Don't give up; God is at work in ways you would not imagine! Matthew 15: 21-28 & Mark 7:24-30 
Pentecost Message: God's great plan, is to use those 'once far off' to draw those 'still far off' into Salvation, that is why the Spirit has been poured out on us in power, are we living in that power? Acts 2:39   20th May 2018
Thousands had made the annual pilgrimage to the temple at Jerusalem, but a vital element was missing; the ark, there could be no Shekinah glory lighting up that place. Instead tongues of flame descended on very people of God.   Acts 2:1-41
God has provided a highway for the people of God. A way of holiness (separated, cleaned & righteous), fellowship (harmony, conformity and loyalty) and gladness. How is your walk?   (Poor quality recording, sorry) Isaiah 35 
Daniel interprets a dream and saves the lives of Babylon's elite; his prophecies are venerated for thousands of years, and prompt the Wise Men's journey to Jesus.  Daniel 2
'Modern Fear & The Destruction Of Hope.'  There is a right place for fear - in the presence of God. But, like faith, if God is removed, our fear will quickly attach to something else.    Psalm 111
Remembrance’- recalling both pleasant and unpleasant memories; but also informing both action and restraint.  At His remembrance meal, Jesus’ request is not that we remember events or doctrine, but Him, our personal saviour.  Luke 22
In this world Love & Romance is loved, but marriage is not. This is not surprising as marriage reflects the nature of God and glorifies Christ. How might husbands and wives ensure Christ is glorifed and the world can see it?  Ephesians 5:22-33
Abraham was called out of paganism and idolatry to become the father of faith, with that came all the fulness of the blessings of God.   Genesis 11:31 - 13:18

Jesus' Seven Letters To The Churches
Revelation Chapters 2 & 3
Jesus' reassurance to a church suffering persecution: Jesus knows how that feels, He has been there before. Keep holding on to Him for He will bring you through to the end. Revelation2:8-11
Jesus'  warning to a church, once strong, but now faltering at the border: the church must deal with the rebels , if they don't then He will. He invites them to taste again the bread of life rather than face His sword. Revelation2:12-17
Jesus confronts a church that is doing well but has allowed parts of it to compromise with the world. They need to take a fresh look at Jesus for them to be able to shine. Revelation2:18-29
The world looks on and sees a great church in Sardis, but Jesus points out that there's something very wrong at its heart - it's dead. The key to a right walk is to have a right heart.  Revelation 3:1-6
Philadelphia may be small, may be weak, but it's a church on which Jesus says He would proudly carve His name,  a church He would proudly claim as His own. What marks it out? Find out here. Revelation 3: 7-13
Jesus' has nothing good to say about this church, in fact, they make Him feel sick. God blessed them richly but in their comfort they've become lukewarm towards Him. Jesus' gracious invitation to them will surprise you. Revelation3:14-22

The Letter To The Romans
An overview of the book of Romans. Paul realises that despite the age of the church and the maturity in the faith of its members, they haven't grasped the full meaning of the gospel. Paul sets out to make the gospel clear and end the strife.
Paul outlines four points to the gospel. The world would have us be ashamed of it and every point of the gospel has been systematically undermined, but in the  gospel there is power and nothing can stop it. Romans 1 verse 1-17
God has made Himself known through creation but people have deliberately rejected Him and His ways. All the problems we see in the world today are a consequence of that . As His new creations we are to be His new witnesses.  Romans 1:18-32
Of all the people on earth, the Jews would have the strongest grounds for acquittal on judgement day, but Paul destroys their case. There is no other way but through Christ, if even the Jews need the gospel, then we all do. Romans Ch2v1 - Ch3v1
When we stand before the judgement , what will God's verdict on us be?  No-one will be declared righteous based on anything they have done, salvation can only come by faith, and that is a free gift of God. Romans 3 15th July 2018
Abraham’s story demonstrates that this righteousness that comes by faith is not new: God has always worked that way. It is a gift from God, this means both our walk and final salvation is not dependent on how well we perform, praise God! Romans 4
Considering how far we were from God, and how our salvation is solely dependent on a goodwill gift from one we continually offend, can Christ’s one-off sacrifice really be enough, and how can we ever be sure that our salvation is secure? Romans 5
How do Christians know how to conduct themselves if they no longer have to follow the law? Paul uses the powerful analogies of death and slavery to show the transformation that has taken place in our lives.  Romans 6
Not only have we died to sin, but we’ve died to the law too! God wants us to enter into a new and living way with Him. Its time to leave those old ways behind and enter into all that He has for you.  Romans 7
Let there be no doubt, God will bring you to glory. The father has done the work, Jesus became like us so we could become like Him, and the Spirit ministers within us to bring us towards completion, towards that glory.  Romans 8
The Gospel brings joy tinged with sorrow; yes, we are irrevocably saved, but there will be many who are lost. Paul grieves for his countrymen, so close but, without Christ, as hopeless as those that know nothing of God.  Romans 9
How can it be that people so devoted to religion and law abiding in their behaviour, could ever be lost? To be right with God demands the righteousness of Christ, a standard impossible for us to reach. Romans 10
Have the Jews now been cut off forever, are they hopelessly lost? Only a remnant remains. God is using this time to draw the rest of the world, but one day He will call Israel back to Himself and what a glorious day that will be.  Romans 11
What does it mean to offer ourselves as living sacrifices?  -What is expected of us and Why would we want to do it?
Paul's appeal for us to respond to what has been taught is a challenge to all.   Romans 12: 1-2
Each of us has been given, by His grace, a gift for use in the church. Just as with our bodies; if one part is not working, then the whole body can suffer.  So, what has God given you for the church's benefit? Romans 12: 3-8
Paul challenges us to recoil from the fake love prevalent in the church and get on with loving as God loves. This will bring blessing in this life, power to witness, transformation in the world and, most importantly; win souls.      Romans 12: 9-21
What is your attitude towards governing authorities? What if you disagree with their actions? Our attitude towards them reflects our attitude toward God,  how should we behave?      Romans 13
You need to think seriously about what your attitude is towards other Christians who hold different views to you. There is no place for division in Christ's church over secondary issues.      Romans 14
"The insults of those who insult you, God, have fallen on me." Why does Paul get so excited by this quote, and how can these words be expected to inspire church unity?     Romans 15:1-7
In his call for unity Paul draws evidence from all across scripture to prove God's plan was always to have us, gentiles, join His people - we have always been included in God's plan.    Romans 15:7-13
Paul appeals to the Romans to support him spiritually and financially through the next stage of His mission; first calling at Jerusalem and then on to Spain but, things don't turn out as expected.   Romans 15:14-31
Paul sends is greetings to those he knows in Rome - what a gloriously diverse mix of people, united in service for the Lord, acting in whatever capacity God has called. This is our family.   Romans 16

People begin to populate God's rebuilt city. There are people from different tribes and status thrown together: its a recipe for discord, but under God's hand it proves to be a city of harmony and worthy of praise. Nehemiah 11 v 1-19 
Jerusalem has been filled, but what of those outside? Blessed in seeing the fulfilment of God’s wider promises they demonstrate a great biblical pattern for us to follow;  thankfulness and response. Nehemiah 11 v 20-36 
The Dedication of the Walls had all the elements of a great party. The opportunity for God's people to recollect God’s faithfulness, grace, mercy & blessing puts life in perspective, reveals God’s glory and brings joy. Nehemiah 12 v27-47
Everyone experiences highs and lows, the lows come when people fail themselves or us, or even when we fail ourselves. Nehemiah demonstrates that the best way to stay high and help others who are low is to stay in God’s word. Nehemiah 13

Barnabus's letter to Hebrews
Fitting in with the world risks ‘poisoning the pot’ but knowing truth helps us be discerning and having our eyes on eternity keeps us focused. God tolerates no contamination, can we stand when He shakes the world? Hebrews 12:14-29
Finally; love the family of God, practice hospitality, guard marriage , be faithful to faithful leaders, don't be drawn to love money or back into redundant religious practices and keep on praying. Hebrews 13

This most challenging book challenges us. What are you thinking, why are you doing what your doing, what has meaning in your life? The writer tells Its time for a reality check - get a grip!  Ecclesiastes  1:1-14 & 12:9-14
As we read the teacher's preaching, we're forced to ask is this really the truth? Where is the hope, where is the way out, is this the whole truth, where can we find life?  Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
If you had all the money, power and riches you ever needed, would that be good? Would you be happy? The preacher doesn't think so; it's more likely we would be robbed of joy and miss out on what God has planned for us! Ecclesiastes 1:12-2:26
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity" and God is in control of them all. "He has made everything beautiful in its time" and "set eternity into our hearts" - we are no longer slaves to fear.   Ecclesiastes 3
Jesus said "the poor you will always have among you".  Poverty and oppression are symptoms of a sick world, driven by envy. Is there really no hope? Without God , no, but He has laid the foundations for a better world. Ecclesiastes 4
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes, takes time out to consider our approach to worship and our relationship with God, warning us not to make rash vows. We take time to consider Hannah's vow while at worship and its consequences.  Ecc 5 & Malachi 
In a dissappointing, chaotic and disturbing world its easy to lose sight of who God is and His attitude towards us. The Preacher has some stark warnings to shake us out of our stupor, to start listening and prepare to be awed. Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Shocked, surprised, saddened? In a world that deliberately rejects God and seeks to obliterate His influence from their consciences, what did you expect?  Ecclesiastes 5:8 - 6:12
The Preacher of Ecclesiastes provides a summary of all he has learned: that no one can truly understand what makes people tick. There is only one hope in this fallen world - to walk with God.  Ecclesiastes 7
How do we keep going when everything stands against us, when facing impossible decisions, when we can't make sense of it all, when we can't understand what God is doing? There is something that will make our faces shine! Ecclesiastes 8
The preacher brings a challenge to the Ecclesia, the people of God. You need to change your thinking, you need to change your outlook on life, you need to see what it means to be in God's hands. Ecclesiastes 9: 1-12
Whether we're on board or just observing the 'ship of fools', we have a part to play for the glory of God. Wisdom and grace is needed to steer the right course.  Ecclesiastes 9:13 - 10:20
What is the Preacher's final teaching to us: how to use your money wisely, how old age creeps up on you, or, what is coming in the end times? The Preacher is teaching all three in one go!  Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:7
The Preacher's final words are not encouraging. The Author makes clear however, that there is truth and pleasure to be found in them but that can only be seen when the preacher's words are considered in context. Ecclesiastes 12:8-14

Philemon and Colossians
Christianity is radical. Its adherents are fundamentalists, world changers & revolutionaries. From the earliest days Christianity has turned society and the world's systems upside down.       The letter to Philemon 
Why is this deeply personal letter in the Bible? In it we find; challenge, encouragement, inspiration and deep insight into the wonders of our salvation and exaltation.                 The letter to Philemon 
Colossae has a lovely church, famous for its love and faith. Paul writes , warning of the false and destructive teachings circulating at the time and opening their eyes to the transformation Christianity was bringing.      Colossians 1-4    
Can we be sure of our salvation, are we acceptable to God, can we have confidence in our hope? These are the questions Paul answers for the Colossians - absolutely!    Colossians 1:1-12
Jesus is impeccably qualified to be our Redeemer; the image of God, firstborn, creator and head of the body. His Redemption makes us members of God’s kingdom. His Reconciliation unites us with God. What is your Response? Colossians 1 12-29
We are complete in Christ, this is confirmed by 5 blessings; Freedom, our old life buried, a new life, sins blotted out and direct access to His power. Hold on to these truths rather than be unsettled by falsehood.        Colossians 2
Our position in Christ: Recognising it - is it true? what is the evidence?    Establishing it – by seeking Him and things above.    Reinforcing it - we are His ambassadors there should be a look about us.     Colossians 3
Paul encourages the Colossians to persist in their famous prayer lives and good witness. And appraises the Christians he is working with revealing a strong team, with common purpose, good support and open communication. Colossians 4
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